Ring Community Commitments
Keeping communities closer.
We believe connected communities are stronger communities. That’s why we’re committed to working with community organizations across the country, supporting the places we call home and helping keep people closer to what’s important and to each other.
Focus on Community
We learn from leaders who know their neighborhoods best and build innovative programs that have a long lasting, positive impact.
Be Inclusive and Transparent
We support organizations that embody equity, inclusion and kindness, and celebrate diversity of thought and experience.
Respect Privacy
We value the trust that our customers place in us and are commited to protecting their privacy as customers and community program participants.
Frequently Asked Questions
What kinds of organizations does Ring work with?
Ring works with various local and national community-oriented organizations to better understand and support community efforts. We work exclusively with 501(c)(3) organizations. Ring’s donations are designed to offer support for non-governmental organizations.
Will Ring be collaborating with additional organizations and participating in more community programs?
We know that achieving our mission requires the guidance of those who know their communities best. We will continue to work with community groups in various cities across the country to advance our mission.
How does Ring ensure user data and footage is protected and secure for recipients of device donations?
Ring has worked diligently to ensure our guiding principles around privacy, security and user control are upheld, while fulfilling the goals of all community programs. Additionally, all organizations that participate in donation programs must agree that as part of their programs they will not require recipients to share their Ring video footage, share access to their device, register their Ring device with a third party, provide proof or confirmation of device installation, purchase a Ring video recording subscription, or make a purchase of any kind.
How does Ring support the organizations it works with?
We take a multifaceted approach to our community engagement work, including collaborating with organizations on an ongoing basis, pledging monetary donations in support of initiatives, and evaluating new ways we can get involved. We engage with community and organization leaders, customers, and residents of the communities we serve to solve problems and maximize our impact.