Troubleshooting account verification when signing in to Ring

Not receiving your sign in code? Answer the question below to help troubleshoot your issue.

Are you logged in to Ring on another device?

Try opening Ring on other devices:

  • Ring app
    on another phone or tablet
    on another phone or tablet
    on a computer

If you’re logged in elsewhere, you can use the other device to help sign in your new device.

I just reset my password

Use a previously signed in device to sign in a new device

If you are able to access your Ring account on a previous phone, tablet or laptop, follow these steps to get a Sign In Code to help sign in a new device.

1. Open Ring on a device you last used

  • Ring app on another phone or tablet
  • Your account at on your phone or tablet
  • Your account at on a laptop or computer

2. Go to your Ring Control Centre

On a phone or tablet:

  1. Tap the
  2. Scroll down and tap
    Control Centre
  3. Tap
    Account Verification

On a laptop or computer:

  1. Click the
    home icon.
  2. Click
    and select
    Control Centre
  3. Click
    Account Verification

3. Confirm your phone number is correct

Make sure we are texting your Sign In Code to the right phone number.

From Account Verification in Control Centre:

  1. Tap
    Update mobile number
    under the Text Message section.
  2. Enter your new (or updated) phone number. 
  3. You’ll be asked to re-enter your password for security purposes.
  4. On your new device, attempt to sign in again to Ring.
  5. Look for a Sign In Code being sent to the updated number.

I use an Authenticator app to get my Sign In Codes

Try something else: 

Generate a code in Control Centre. 

From Account Verification in Control Centre again, you can generate a Sign In Code to help sign in your new device.

  1. Scroll down to the
    Generate a Sign In Code
  2. Under Authorise a New Device, select
  3. You may be asked again to re-enter your password.
  4. On your new device, attempt to sign in to Ring again with the code you generated in Control Centre.

Chat with Ring Customer Support

Having trouble signing in? An associate will be able to assist you from here. After they help you sign in, make sure to update your phone number in Account Verification.

Contact support now

Set up a passkey for faster sign in

You can set up a passkey on your phone using your face, fingerprint or the PIN you use to unlock your device.

Learn more about how to set up a passkey here.

Generate a support code for Ring Customer Support

If you need to speak with our Customer Support team, they might ask to verify it's you. This code is different from the code you need to sign in. In Account Verification, you can generate a Support Code to verify your Ring account.

Learn how to generate a verification code for Ring Customer Support.

Last updated 2 weeks ago