Ring Video Doorbell on a modern home.

Using Multi-Cam Live View

Multi-Cam Live View lets you use Live View on Ring.com for up to four Ring devices at a single location simultaneously.1

How to use Multi-Cam Live View

  1. Log in to
    on desktop.
    • Multi-Cam Live View is
      not available
      in the Ring app.
  2. Under Cameras click
    Start Live Views.
    • If you have two devices, Live View will initiate for both of them simultaneously.
    • If you have three or more devices, click
      Manage Cameras
      and select your cameras.
  3. Alternatively, after starting the live view for a single camera, click
    Show More Live Views
    icon on the top left.
    • If you have two devices, Live View will initiate for both of them simultaneously.
    • If you have three or more devices, click Manage Cameras on the top left and select your cameras to show or hide them as preferred.

To exit Multi-Cam Live View for all cameras, click the red phone icon on the bottom left.

Live View controls

  • Start Two-Way Talk.
    To end Two-Way Talk, click the white phone icon on the bottom left.
  • Turn on the sound.
    To turn the sound off, click Turn off (one by one).
  • Turn on the lights.
    To turn the lights off, click Turn off (one by one).
  • Sound the siren.
    Turn sirens on one-by-one by clicking on the siren icon for each camera, or turn on all of the sirens by clicking on the banner that appears on top of the page.
    • To turn the sirens off, click
      Turn off
      Turn off all

More controls

  • Reorder your Live View
    tiles by dragging and dropping them into a different arrangement.
  • Change layouts
    by clicking the grid icon on the bottom right. You can toggle between equal and featured.
    • In the
      equal layout
      all Live View tiles will be the same size.
    • In the
      featured layout
      one Live View tile will be larger than the others.
      • Click a Live View tile
        to feature it.
  • View full screen
    by clicking the full screen icon on the bottom right.
    • Click again to exit full screen mode.

This feature requires a compatible Ring Protect subscription.

Last updated 3 weeks ago