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Learn About Low Battery Notifications

When it comes to your battery-operated Ring camera or doorbell, it's important to keep your battery charged so your device stays operational. The Ring app aims to keep you on top of charging your devices by providing low battery notifications and contextual battery tips. 

What are low battery notifications?

When the battery in one of your battery-operated Ring cameras or doorbells falls below a 30% charge, your Ring app will warn you with a low battery notification. This notification can be be seen in three different areas of the app: 

  • You’ll receive a low battery message similar to the motion notices you currently receive.
  • You’ll see a red
    Low Battery
    icon on your device dashboard. 
  • You’ll see a red dot that opens into a
    Battery Tip
    on your event timeline. 

What is a contextual battery tip?

When you tap on the low battery icon on your device dashboard or the battery tip on your timeline, the Ring app will show you which of your device settings is currently using up the most power. By tapping on these tooltips you can adjust these settings to conserve battery life. 

The features you can adjust from the low battery notification screen are: 

  • Snapshot Capture Frequency:
    Turn the frequency your device takes snapshots down to lengthen battery life.
  • Motion Frequency:
    Lower the sensitivity of your Motion Frequency to lengthen battery life.
  • Advanced Motion Detection:
    Adjust your motion detection settings to lengthen battery life.

Tap to learn more about Snapshot Capture.  

Tap to learn more about Motion Frequency.

Tap to learn more about Advanced Motion Detection.

Last updated 11 months ago