Ring Video Doorbell Elite connected through ethernet on a modern home's front door.

Troubleshooting In-app Setup Issues with Ring Video Doorbell Elite

Downloading the Ring App

iOS Apple 


Starting setup

To begin the setup process, open the Ring App on your mobile device and tap Setup Device.

For complete Setup instructions, click below:

Entering your address

There are three potential causes for problems in this part of the setup:

  • The app is having trouble pinpointing your exact address. If this is the case, try inputting a nearby address. While not ideal, an address that's "close enough" will usually suffice for setup purposes.
  • Location services on your phone is not turned on. Turn on location services on your phone and try the setup process again.
  • Your phone is not connected to the Internet. Turn off your Ring app and verify that your phone or PC or Mac is connected to the Internet, then run through the setup process again.

More information on the Ring app and your address.

Entering the correct password

Note: that this will only happen if you've decided to set up your Ring Elite on a wifi network. With a wired connection the system should not need a password.

If you do set up your Ring Elite with a wifi network, always remember that network passwords are case-sensitive and can very often be found on a label on the underside of your router.

More information on incorrect passwords

Ways to find your password if you don't know it.

Solving connection issues

While not comprehensive, the most common causes of failure to complete Setup are having a problem with your internet connection, or some type of issue related to your wifi modem or router. Click on the issues below for advice on how to check for these problems along with solutions for them.

Check to see if you're having an internet connection issue.

Switching your Ring Video Doorbell Elite into Setup mode

This guide will give you detailed instructions on how to put your device into setup mode.

Initial wifi setup

Trouble with this step is usually an inability to find the temporary wifi network called "Ring-" being broadcast by your device. In this case, you should restart the setup procedure and when you get to this step look for a slowly pulsing light on your device. This will tell you that the device is broadcasting. If you don't see this light, you may have a malfunctioning unit.

Completing Setup if the Ring app says "Setup did not complete."

While not comprehensive, the three most common causes of failure to complete Setup (after entering an incorrect password) are your Ring device being too far from your wifi router, having a problem with your internet connection, or some type of issue related to your wifi modem or router. Click on the issues below for advice on how to check for these problems along with solutions for them.

Check to see if you're having an internet connection issue.

Completing Setup if none of these topics describe your problem

If your Ring won't set up and you've determined that it's not one of the most common causes there are a few other things you can try that might help clear up the issue. Click below for an article detailing these procedures.

In-app setup failing repeatedly.

Last updated 9 months ago