Law Enforcement Legal Process Guidelines

These guidelines are intended for use by law enforcement when seeking information from Ring LLC or its subsidiaries (“Ring”). All requests should be submitted to If your request is an emergency, please see Other Information - Exigent/Emergency Situation below. 

Required Legal Process

Ring does not disclose user information in response to government demands (i.e. legally valid and binding requests for information from law enforcement agencies such as search warrants, subpoenas and court orders) unless we're required to comply and it is properly served on us. Ring objects to legal requests it determines to be overbroad or inappropriate. For example, Ring would object to a subpoena requesting a list of all Ring device locations in a city. Ring rejects requests that do not provide sufficient information to locate responsive records.

Ring distinguishes between content and non-content information. We may produce non-content information in response to a valid subpoena, court order, or search warrant. We do not produce content information in response to subpoenas or court orders. Content information will only be disclosed in response to a valid search warrant or with the verified consent of the account owner. Requests for content or non-content information, and any related questions, should be sent to

“Non-content” information includes user information such as name, address, email address, billing information, date of account creation, and other types of account information.

“Content” information includes user-generated content and the videos stored in an account.

Warrants to Obtain Video Content

Ring will only provide video content in response to a valid search warrant or with the verified consent of the account owner.  When seeking video content, it is highly recommended that the search warrant include the MAC ID for the device associated with the video ( see “Finding the Device MAC ID” in these guidelines for instructions). This is the fastest and most reliable way for us to identify the correct account and locate the video sought. If the MAC ID is unavailable, we may be able to search by email address, name, street address, and/or telephone number. Please note, however, that responding to these requests may require additional time. We recommend including as many of the above identifying items as possible in the event you do not have the device’s MAC ID.

The search warrant should also include the date(s), time(s) and time zone of the requested video(s).

In general, Ring has access to videos only if the user has a current Ring subscription plan subscription that was in place at the time of the event. The subscription allows Ring to retain such videos for no longer than 180 days. At any time during the retention period a user may delete a video. As such, depending on the date at issue and whether a user deleted a video or videos, it is possible that Ring will not have access to any videos even if the user is a current Ring subscriber.

Preservation Request from U.S. Law Enforcement

Preservation requests may be emailed to Requests sent via an official letter on the law enforcement agency’s letterhead are preferred. The preferred piece of information needed to complete a preservation is a device identifier MAC ID (see “Finding the Device MAC ID” at the end of these guidelines for instructions) as well as the dates and times of data to preserve. If the device’s MAC ID is unavailable, we will also accept a combination of email address, street address, telephone number, and/or name. Please note that providing us with as many pieces of information may help us locate and preserve the requested information faster. We generally begin processing preservation requests the day they are received, but there may be a delay due to the volume of requests. Additionally, please note that the preservation process may be delayed if the data to be preserved is not clearly specified and/or the details required to locate it are not provided. Upon receipt of a preservation request, Ring will take steps to preserve the requested information, if such information is available, for up to 90 days, unless Ring receives a preservation extension, in which case the information will be preserved for an additional 90 days (for a total of up to 180 days). After the preservation period expires, the information may no longer be available. Please note that only information and content stored by Ring at the time the request is processed will be preserved.

Requests from Non-U.S. Law Enforcement

Except in the case of an emergency (addressed below), non-U.S. law enforcement seeking to obtain information from Ring must work through an applicable MLAT, letter rogatory process, or other available legal or diplomatic channel. For more information, you may wish to contact the Office of International Affairs at the U.S. Department of Justice.

Other Information

Exigent/Emergency Situation. Ring reserves the right to provide information to law enforcement, without legal process, in order to respond to an imminent threat of harm to any person.

We prioritize requests related to an exigent or emergency situation (e.g., an active crime scene, missing child, endangered adult, or imminent threat of physical harm, etc.). Emergency disclosure requests may be submitted to and Please include “EMERGENCY” in the subject line and explain in the email the nature of the emergency, the information sought, and how the disclosure of the information on an emergency basis will avert the threatened harm. Emails from non-law enforcement will not be reviewed or responded to. Accordingly, please submit requests only from official, government-issued email addresses.

Stolen Devices. The owner of a stolen device should report the theft to Ring. This report must be received within 15 days of the theft. The theft team typically responds within two business days.

Testimony. Ring does not provide expert testimony. Additionally, Ring’s records are self-authenticating and should not require the testimony of a records custodian. If required and requested, Ring may be able to provide a special form of certification for the records produced or a time/date stamp for videos.  Please contact for more information.

Reimbursement. Ring may seek reimbursement for costs associated with responding to law enforcement requests for information, particularly if the costs incurred are the result of responding to burdensome or unique requests.

Finding the Device MAC ID

This is the fastest and most reliable way for us to identify the correct account and locate the relevant device. The MAC ID for Ring doorbells and security cameras can be found in the following locations:

  • In the Ring application - follow these steps
    • Open Ring app > Tap the menu in the top left corner > Tap "Devices" > Select desired Ring device > Tap “Device Health” > Look at “device details” section
  • On the Ring device:
    • Doorbells - On the back of the device
    • Security Cams - Look near the power cord, near mounting connection, on the back.
    • On the box: usually near the barcode or the bottom side of the box.

If the MAC ID is unavailable, we may be able to search by name, address, telephone number and/or email address. Please note, however, that responding to these requests may require additional time.

Last updated 4 weeks ago