Person accessing Ring WallCall building directory.

Create Keys, Add Users and Assign Keys in Amazon Key Property Management Portal (for Property Managers)

Learn how to add residents or staff as Users and assign them Keys to access your property’s entrances.

How to create a new Key

  1. Log in to the Amazon Key Property Management Portal and select the relevant Property.
    • Note:
      There is no limit to the number of Keys you can create.
  2. Go to the
    • If you previously created Keys for this Property, you will see them here. You will also see a Key called Default All Access Key already created for you. This Key allows Users access to all Ring In-enabled entrances at your property.
  3. Click
    to create a new Key.
  4. Go to the
    Key Name
    field and enter a name for your new Key.
  5. (Optional) In the
    Key Description
    field, enter a description of your new Key (for example, “Staff Key” or “Building A Resident Key”).
  6. Go to the
    tab and select all the Entrances you want to be able to access with this Key.
    • For example, if your property has multiple places (such as Building A and Building B) and each place has a separate entrance, you can create individual Keys for each one by only selecting the entrance for a specific Place.
  7. If at least one of the selected Entrances has a Ring In panel and you want any of them to be accessible by Auto-Verified Guests, select the Entrance(s), then click
    . If you do not want any Entrances to be accessed by the Auto-Verified Guests, do not select any.
  8. If you select any Entrance to be accessible by Auto-Verified Guests, you can set access schedules for Auto-Verified Guests for the selected Entrance(s). Select the Entrance, then click
    Create Schedule.
    • You can set up to three different schedules per Entrance. For example, if you want to enable access for Auto-Verified Guests to Entrance-A for the entire day on weekends but only for specific hours on weekdays, set two different schedules for Entrance-A.
    • Note
      : These access schedules are only for Auto-Verified Guests and not for property residents.
  9. Click
    Add Key.

When you add a new Key, it will appear in the Keys tab. To make changes to a Key, select that Key and click Edit.

How to add Users and assign Keys

Residents and staff need a virtual Key in order to access your property with Ring In.

To add a User and assign them a Key:

  1. Log in to the Amazon Key Property Management Portal and select the relevant Property.
  2. Go to the
  3. Click
  4. When the pop-up window called
    Add New User
    appears, enter the new User’s details.
    • In the
      field, enter the User’s email address.
    • In the
      field, select the Place the User needs access to from the dropdown menu.
    • In the
      Unit Number
      field, enter the User’s unit number. If you’re adding a staff member, enter “n/a” in this field.
    • In the
      Expiry Date
      field, enter the lease end date for residents. If you’re adding a staff member, enter any date less than two years from the date of uploading the staff member’s information.
    • In the
      field, select the Keys you want the User to have access to.
    • Click
      Add User
      to add the User to the Key(s).

Note: You can update user details and change the Keys assigned to them at any time. Simply go to the Users tab, select their name from the list, and click Edit.

To see the number of Keys assigned to each user, go to the Users tab and check the Key column.

Remember to delete a user’s information from the Amazon Key Property Management Portal when they no longer require access to your property.

To add multiple Users and assign them a Key:

  1. Log in to the Amazon Key Property Management Portal and select the relevant Property.
  2. Go to the
    tab and select the Place where you want to add Users.
  3. Click
    Download Template.
    A CSV file will be automatically downloaded to your computer.
  4. Add the email address, unit number, and expiry date of the Ring In User(s).
    • Only add Users who need access to this particular Place.
    • If you are adding a staff member, please enter “NA” or similar in the
    • If you are adding a staff member to the Amazon Key Property Manager Portal and do not have an expiry date for them, enter any date less than two years from the date of uploading the staff member’s information.
  5. Save
    the file on your computer.
  6. Click
    Upload CSV
    to upload the list of Users to the Amazon Key Property Management Portal.
  7. Click
    Choose File
    and select the file you just saved to your computer.
  8. Click to upload the file to the Amazon Key Property Management Portal.
    • To upload another User list for a different Place at your Property, repeat steps 1 to 8.

To assign Keys to existing Users:

  1. Log in to the Amazon Key Property Management Portal and select the relevant Property.
  2. Go to the Keys tab and select the Key(s) you want to assign to Users. Next, click
    • You can also simply go to the
  3. Click on the Filter Users bar.
  4. Click
    and select the relevant Place.
  5. Select the top tick box next to
    to assign Keys to
    all Users
    in that Place
    select individual email addresses to assign a Key to
    specific Users
    in that Place.
    • Note: Each email address you select will be assigned the same set of Key(s).
  6. Click
  7. Select the Key(s) you want the User to have access to.
  8. Click
    Save Changes.

When you’ve finished adding Users and assigning Keys, you can see all the Users from a property along with their Email, Unit Number, Expiry Date, Place and number of Keys assigned under Users tab.

Last updated 3 weeks ago