Ring Video Doorbell Pro on a modern home's front door.

Wiring Diagrams for Ring Wired Doorbell Plus Setup

Use our wiring diagrams if you're in the process of setting up one or more than one Wired Doorbell Plus with internal doorbell chimes and transformers.

Wiring diagram for Ring Video Doorbells

Select your specific home configuration to view the relevant diagram.

One Ring Wired Doorbell Plus and One Ring Video Doorbell to One Internal Doorbell Chime

One Ring Video Doorbell Pro/one Ring Video Doorbell/one internal doorbell chime diagram.

One Ring Wired Doorbell Plus and One Ring Video Doorbell to Two Internal Doorbell Chimes

One Ring Video Doorbell Pro/one Ring Video Doorbell/two internal doorbell chimes diagram.

One Ring Wired Doorbell Plus to Two Internal Doorbell Chimes

One Ring Video Doorbell Pro/two internal doorbell chimes diagram.

Two Ring Wired Doorbell Pluses to One Internal Doorbell Chime

Two Ring Video Doorbell Pros/one internal doorbell chime diagram.

Two Ring Wired Doorbell Pluses to One Internal Doorbell Chime and Two Transformers

Two Ring Video Doorbell Pros/one internal doorbell chime/two transformers diagram.

Two Ring Wired Doorbell Pluses to Two Internal Doorbell Chimes

Two Ring Video Doorbell Pros/two internal doorbell chimes diagram.

Two Ring Wired Doorbell Pluses to Two Internal Doorbell Chimes and Two Transformers

Two Ring Video Doorbell Pros/two internal doorbell chimes/two transformers diagram.

One Ring Wired Doorbell Plus and One Ring Video Doorbell to Three Internal Doorbell Chimes and Two Transformers

One Ring Video Doorbell Pro/one Ring Video Doorbell/three internal doorbell chimes/two transformers diagram.

One Ring Wired Doorbell Plus Direct to One Transformer

One Ring Video Doorbell Pro direct to transformer diagram.

Two Ring Wired Doorbell Pluses to One Transformer

Two Ring Video Doorbell Pros/one transformer diagram.

Three Ring Wired Doorbell Pluses to Two Internal Doorbell Chimes and One Transformer

Three Ring Video Doorbell Pros/two internal doorbell chimes/one transformer diagram.

Two Ring Wired Doorbell Pluses to Three Internal Doorbell Chimes and One Transformer

Two Ring Video Doorbell Pros/three internal doorbell chimes/one transformer diagram.

One Ring Wired Doorbell Plus and One Ring Video Doorbell Elite to One Internal Doorbell Chime

One Ring Video Doorbell Pro/one Ring Video Doorbell Elite/one internal doorbell chime diagram.

One Ring Wired Doorbell Plus and One Ring Video Doorbell to Two Transformers

One Ring Video Doorbell Pro/one Ring Video Doorbell/two transformers diagram.

One Ring Wired Doorbell Plus to One Transformer and Three Internal Doorbell Chimes

One Ring Video Doorbell Pro/one transformer/three internal doorbell chimes diagram.

Three Ring Wired Doorbell Pluses to One Transformer and One Internal Doorbell Chime

Three Ring Video Doorbell Pros/one transformer/one internal doorbell chime diagram.

Last updated 4 months ago