How to fix invalid location coordinates in the Ring app
In the Ring app, zero coordinate locations (0x0) are not valid. To ensure your Ring app features are functioning properly, you will need to add a valid address for your location.
Zero coordinate locations may result in no time zone being defined.

How to edit your address in the Ring app
- Open the Ring app
- Tap the menu icon ≡ on the top left corner of your dashboard
- TapSettings
- TapAddress
- ClickEdit Address
- Select a location type
- Enter a valid address based on your device location and tap on your address when it appears
- Pin your address on the map to determine accurate coordinates
- TapUse This Address, orEdit Addressif you need to make changes.
- Enter a name for the location and selectSave Location
Note: You may need to enter your address manually if it doesn't auto-populate as you're typing it in. Only primary account holders can edit locations in their Ring app.
Last updated 6 months ago