Person reviewing their Neighbors app feed on a mobile phone.

Connect Your Twitter Account

When a organization publishes a post on their organization's official Twitter page, this post will automatically be published to their residents on the Neighbors App.

How can our organization synchronize our Twitter posts with the Neighbors App ?

Please reach out to the Ring Team by emailing requesting your organizations Twitter posts to be synced. Please include your organizations Twitter handle.

Showing Neighbors Team Twitter Post


What happens if a resident clicks on a Twitter posts on Neighbors?

The resident will be diverted to your Twitter post on Twitter.

Can a resident comment on a Neighbors app Twitter post?

No, residents cannot comment on a Twitter post on the Neighbors app.

How soon after our organization publishes on Twitter will it be sent to our residents on the Neighbors App?

It can take up to a half hour after you publish on Twitter for the post to automatically show up on the Neighbors App.

How will residents know the post is coming from Twitter?

A Twitter icon will appear next to the organizations name.

What happens if the Twitter post is deleted off the organizations Twitter account?

The alert will also be deleted off the Neighbors App.

What happen if the Twitter post is edited on the organizations Twitter account?

Your Twitter post on the Neighbors app will reflect any edits you make from your Twitter account.

Will Twitter posts be moderated before its published on the Neighbors app?

Yes, all Twitter synced post will be moderated 24/7 to ensure it meets Neighbors by Ring community guidelines.

Who will see our Twitter post on the Neighbors app?

Your Twitter synced posts will go out to everyone in your jurisdiction on the Neighbors app.

Will I see our organizations Twitter posts on our Verified User account?

Yes, Twitter synced posts will populate within the Feed of your Verified Account. Additionally your Twitter post will also show under posts located within your organizations profile.

Will our residents receive a push notification on the Neighbors app from a Twitter synced post?

No, all Twitter synced posts will be placed into the Neighbors app without a push notification.

Last updated 1 month ago