Person reviewing their Neighbors app feed on a mobile phone.

Neighbors News Alerts

Where do the Neighbors news alerts originate from?

The Neighbors Team sources safety and community information derived primarily from verified social media accounts and local news affiliates.

How does the Neighbors team decide which incidents to publish?

In an effort to lean further into distributing community-focused content, the Neighbors Team identified content types that encourage community interaction. Examples include: festivals, local fairs, food giveaways, volunteer opportunities and many more. Additionally, the team is no longer publishing incident-based content and is targeting cities, counties and states (as applicable) to expand the reach of the content shared.

Does the news team use user posts or videos in creating news alerts?

No, the news team only uses information from the above-mentioned sources.

If I see a news alert that is inaccurate or needs to be updated, who should I contact?

Please send any feedback to

Neighbors Third Party Alerts

Where do the Neighbors third party alerts originate from?

Neighbors integrates with trusted third party agencies to provide crime and safety information to our users. The third parties we receive and publish alerts from are listed below.

Last updated 6 months ago