Fixing Ring Alexa Skill Issues in the Alexa App
If the Ring Skill is enabled in your Alexa app, but it's not working properly – if Live View isn't connecting, for example – you may have connectivity issues. Follow the steps below to resolve the issue by disabling and re-enabling the Ring Skill.
Please note that following these steps will not remove your Ring devices from the Ring app or change device settings.
Things to Check
- Make sure the Ring device is online and working separately from Alexa
- Try testing live view in the Ring app on your smart device or on
- If you encounter the same issues outside of Alexa, the cause of the symptoms may be unrelated to Alexa.
- When enabling the Ring Skill in the Alexa app, link the specific Amazon account the Alexa device is connected to.
- Reboot your router and/or modem, as well as the Alexa device.
Ensure your Alexa app is fully updated
Before you get started, be sure your Alexa app is updated to the latest version:
If it's already updated, skip ahead to the steps below.
Disabling and re-enabling the Ring Skill
First, disable the Ring Skill from the Alexa app:
- Open the Alexa app on your mobile device.
- TapMoreat the bottom right corner.
- SelectSkills & Gamesfrom the menu.
- TapYour Skills.
- Find theRing Skilland tap it.
- TapDisable Skill.
- TapDisableand the Ring Skill will be removed.
- Tap onDevicesat the bottom corner.
- Forget all your Ring devices by tapping theTrash Canicon.
Next, re-enable the Ring Skill from the Alexa app:
- Open the Alexa app on your mobile device.
- TapMoreat the bottom right.
- TapSkills & Gamesfrom the menu.
- On the next screen, search for Ring in the search box.
- After you've found theRing Skill, tapEnable.
- Alexa will ask you to log in to your Ring account.
- If you don't know your Ring password,
- Once you log in, Ring Skill will be linked to Alexa again and you’ll be asked to discover devices.
- TapDiscover Devices.All your Ring devices should appear and be connected to Alexa again.
Still need help with Alexa? Click here to go to Amazon's Alexa Help Center.
Last updated 3 months ago