Wiring Diagrams for Select Ring Video Doorbells
Learn how to wire your video doorbell with your specific home wiring configuration.
Ring devices supported in this article:
- Video Doorbell (2nd Gen)
- Video Doorbell 3
- Video Doorbell 3 Plus
- Video Doorbell 4
- Battery Doorbell Plus
Additional diagrams for specific home configurations

- One Ring doorbell
- Two internal doorbell chimes

- Two Ring doorbells
- One internal doorbell chime

- One Ring doorbell
- One Video Doorbell Pro or Pro 2
- One internal doorbell chime

- One Ring doorbell
- One Video Doorbell Pro or Pro 2
- Two internal doorbell chimes

- One Ring doorbell
- Three internal doorbell chimes
- One transformer

- One Ring doorbell
- One Video Doorbell Pro or Pro 2
- Two transformers

- One Ring doorbell
- One internal doorbell chime
- One transformer

- One Video Doorbell (1st Gen)
- One Video Doorbell 2
- One transformer
Last updated 1 year ago