Person reviewing their Neighbors app feed on a mobile phone.

Verified Accounts: Terms of Service

Last updated on June 7, 2021

By accessing this site and Verified Accounts social management tool, you agree:

  • To use your Verified Account solely for legitimate public purposes and that you will secure, use, retain, and delete information, videos, and photos shared by users and obtained through your Verified Account in accordance with applicable law and department policy and procedures;
  • You will not post deliberately false or misleading information;
  • To use your official Verified Account (not a personal Neighbors account) when using Neighbors in your capacity as a public official;
  • To use your real name, title, and organization contact information on your Verified Account;
  • To not share access to your account or your account credentials with anyone outside or inside your organization; that it is your organization’s responsibility to maintain appropriate access controls for its personnel to use your Verified Account, including ensuring credentials are not shared and that terminated personnel will not have access to your Verified Account;
  • Your posts and comments are public and may be subject to applicable open records laws. It is your organization’s responsibility to respond to open records requests;
  • Ring’s Terms of Service, Privacy Notice, and the Ring
    Community Guidelines as posted on, shall apply to all uses of your Verified Account;
  • You will promptly notify Ring if you become aware that you or your organization’s personnel have violated any of the foregoing terms; and
  • Ring has the right to take disciplinary action, such as temporarily suspending or permanently banning any user or organization, at any time for any conduct that Ring determines to be inappropriate or harmful. Ring may notify your organization of any inappropriate or harmful conduct.

Last updated 2 months ago