Floodlight Cam setup mode

While setting up Ring Floodlight Cam, you will be asked to put the device into setup mode (note that the device will automatically enter setup mode the first time it receives power.) In order to put the device into setup mode, press and release the small button on the top of the camera.

What is setup mode?

When any Ring product is in setup mode, it broadcasts a temporary Wi-Fi network.

During the setup process, the Ring app will connect to this Wi-Fi network to "tell" your Ring product how to connect to your home Wi-Fi network. As soon as your Ring product has been set up in the Ring app, it will stop broadcasting this Wi-Fi network, and stay connected to your home network.

How do I know my Floodlight Cam is in setup mode?

You'll know your Floodlight Cam is in setup mode when the light on the bottom is flashing.

The light at the bottom of the Floodlight Cam isn't lighting up. Is something wrong?

I motivi per cui la spia non si accende possono essere tre:

  1. stai tenendo premuto il pulsante troppo a lungo; assicurati di premere con decisione il pulsante e di rilasciarlo immediatamente senza tenerlo premuto; tenere premuto il pulsante attiva una funzione diversa;
  2. Floodlight Cam non è collegata all'alimentazione; 
  3. i cavi di Floodlight Cam non sono collegati correttamente. Per collegare correttamente i cavi del dispositivo, consulta 
     o rivolgiti a un elettricista qualificato.
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