Solar Panel (USB-C) (2nd Gen) troubleshooting

Stay charged longer by connecting a USB-C Solar Panel to any Ring USB-C Security Camera, or barrel-plug camera with the included USB-C to barrel plug adapter.

Note: If you have a Ring Video Doorbell, you could use a Solar Panel for Doorbells accessory to power your device. You won't be able to connect Ring Solar Panel to your existing mechanical or digital chime.

Frequently asked questions

Will a Ring Solar Panel keep my device fully charged?

The device's battery level may vary based on the amount of direct sunlight the solar panel receives. 

Learn more about device charging limitations.

How many hours of direct sunlight does a solar panel need for my device to stay charged?

For best performance, Ring recommends at least 3 to 4 hours of direct sunlight per day for Small Solar Panel, and at least 2 to 3 hours for Solar Panel (USB-C) (2nd Gen). With the recommended amount of direct sunlight, the device will remain continuously charged under most conditions. Make sure there are no obstructions or objects that could cast a shadow on your solar panel, such as an extended roof, tree or bush.

How can I install my solar panel so I get the most sunlight and the maximum solar charge?

Seasonality and how far north (or south) you live can affect the strength of the sun. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, install your solar panel facing south. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, install it facing north. Ring recommends using the adjustable arm to angle the panel at about 45 degrees toward the sky to get the most sunlight possible.

It's a hot and sunny day. Why I don't see much charging from my solar panel?

To protect the lithium-ion battery in device, and for your safety, Ring's Quick Release Battery Pack only allows solar to charge in the temperature range 0ºC to 45ºC. Under direct sunlight on a very hot day, it may be too hot for the battery to charge.

My solar panel seemed to work well all summer, but now that it's winter, it is not working as expected. What is going on?

Ring Solar Panels require direct sunlight. Filtered or indirect sunlight through the clouds will not provide a charge to your Ring device. If the weather is cloudy or you get a lot of snow, this would limit the hours of direct sunlight your device is receiving, which would lessen the charge. Colder temperatures can also cause excessive drain to your lithium-ion battery.

My solar panel gets plenty of direct sunlight and my Ring app says my Ring device is charging, but my battery life is still shorter than expected. Is there something wrong with my solar panel?

No. If your battery life is still relatively short even with the solar panel installed, your Ring device's daily activities and subsequent power drain is more than the solar panel can provide. If you receive a lot of motion events in a day, try adjusting your motion sensitivity (under Motion Settings in the Ring app) to reduce unwanted motion.

Will solar power keep my solar panel charged during cloudy or seasonal weather?

Ring Solar Panels require direct sunlight to stay charged and provide power to the device. If the weather is cloudy or it rains/snows, this would limit the direct sunlight your device receives, which would lessen the charge. Colder temperatures may also cause your device's lithium-ion battery to drain excessively. With prolonged cloudy or winter weather, you may need to manually recharge the battery more frequently. When sunny weather returns and the solar panel receives enough direct sunlight again, it will keep the device powered.

The cable of my solar panel is too short to connect to Ring device. What should I do?

Ring offers a 3-metre USB-C Extension Cable as an accessory. Add an extra 3 metres of cable length to help your Ring USB-C Solar Panels and Security Cameras stay connected - up high, around a corner, wherever it can get the most sun.

My Ring app says my Ring device is "Not Connected" to solar. What should I do?

We suggest you update your Ring app to the latest version. Try plugging in the USB-C connector again. Press firmly to make sure the connector is fully plugged into your device.

Last updated 9 months ago