Finding your order status

Keep track of your new Ring device by signing in to your Ring account or checking your order status from your Order Confirmation email.

Checking your order status from your Ring account

  1. Sign in to your Ring account using the same email and password that you use to sign in to the Ring app.
    • If you've forgotten your password, use the
      Forgot Password
    • Depending upon your account settings, you may be asked to verify your account using a code sent to your email or by text message.

Checking your order status from your Order Confirmation email

If you don't have a Ring account, access your order status information from your Order Confirmation email.

  1. Search “Confirming Your Ring Order” from your email inbox.
  2. From your Order Confirmation email, tap View Order.

Get more information on tracking, cancelling, returns and Ring Shipping Policies.

Last updated 1 year ago