Enclosure for Ring DIN Rail Transformer

Enclosure for Ring DIN Rail Transformer provides an aesthetically pleasing solution that houses your DIN Rail Transformer and covers the footprint of your existing chime. It is designed to save you from needing to repaint the area where your chime was after removing it.

Click here to purchase Enclosure for Ring DIN Rail Transformer.

How to install Enclosure for Ring DIN Rail Transformer

WARNING: Professional installation recommended. Turn off the power to your existing doorbell first.

  1. Open the two holes and put in the grommets. Pass the cables through the holes.
  2. Mount the back enclosure on the wall.
  3. Connect power to the bottom L & N terminals and the doorbell to + & - (doorbell wires can go in either terminal).
    If you are using a third-party transformer, you should refer to manufacturers instructions.
  4. Install your DIN Rail Transformer on the back enclosure.
  5. Attach the front enclosure.
  6. If you haven’t already, mount and set up your Ring Video Doorbell according to the instructions provided with your doorbell.
  7. It may take a moment for your device to power on. You’ll know it’s ready once the LED indicator lights up.

Last updated 11 months ago