Ring In troubleshooting for residents
If you are experiencing issues with receiving notification for your Ring In panel or the Ring In service, use the following troubleshooting steps to try to resolve your issue.
Common reasons your Ring In may be offline
- No power to your Ring In Controller.
- No (or weak) internet connection.
- Your Ring In panel being temporarily disabled.
Things to check
- Ensure your phone’s internet connection is stable.
- Refresh the Ring app by force closing and reopening it, then try to use the unlock feature again.
- If a visitor is unable to use Ring In to contact a resident:
- Make sure the NFC on the visitor’s phone is turned on.
- Verify that their phone’s internet connection is stable.
- Tap on the Ring In panel to check if the residents’ list is loading. Please note the colour of the light when your visitor taps on the Ring in panel:
- No Light: Your Ring In panel is not receiving power or not receiving signal from the mobile phone.
- Red: Your Ring In panel has been disabled.
- Green: Your Ring In panel is working well.
If you have followed these troubleshooting steps and you’re still not receiving a notification when the visitor attempts to call you via Ring In, please ensure you’re signed in to the Ring app and your Ring In alerts are turned on. Learn how to manage your Ring In alerts.
If the issue persists, inform your property manager or contact Ring In Support.
Last updated 2 months ago